Today, I meditated for longer than I usually do. Inside I felt this strong calling to do it. I knew meditating was necessary and more important than the laundry list of things I needed to get done. Everyday I’m learning more and more that it is crucial to do the important things, which can often be more challenging, first. Our natural instinct is to do the urgent, and also easier, things first. For example: responding to messages, checking email, social media, running errands, etc. These can be distractions from the important work we are meant to do here in life.
Happiness can come from the feeling of fulfilling your purpose. For myself personally, lately I’ve been feeling a lack of fulfillment creatively and I think that is because I have more or less trapped myself in my blog (my creative outlet) into sticking with only a few topics. I was under the impression that was necessary to have a successful website, which was losing site of the whole reason I started the blog in the first place. Expressing yourself creatively doesn’t mean you have to stick to only one or two things you might be particularly good at. I’ve consciously decided to do what I know is best, and instead of listening to popular website wisdom of sticking with 1 topic, I’m going to instead listen to my own heart and branch out into what my intuition tells me to address.
During my meditation I asked for guidance with assisting my children, in particular one of my children with moodiness. It seems to be increasing with age. I’m sure this is nothing new, and many of you parents can relate. These were the overwhelming messages I received in my heart.
- Exercise – make room for exercise that is not competitive
I never really thought of this as much of an issue. My children love to play outside, and we put them in sports. However, when I really started to think about it, so much of their day is at school, even though they do have recess time, it’s not that long. Also, PE isn’t every day for them. My children are young so the sports they are involved in are not every day, and depending what sport they are in, there is often break times between sessions.
I got the strong feeling that non-competitive exercise was really important to their well-being and happiness. It makes sense because exercise boosts serotonin. I’ve decided making family walks or hikes needs to be a regular part of our week. My aim is to do it together 5 times a week, letting the 2 busiest days slide. If one of my kids has sports one evening and the other doesn’t, I still intend to walk with the child who does not. I know it sounds super intimidating with how crazy/busy life is, but here again it comes down to doing the important things in life first. I also think it will be great undistracted bonding time for our family. Getting outside in the light and fresh air is also very important to our happiness.
Other ideas for non-competitive exercise include biking, swimming, dance, yoga, skiing and golf to name a few. I realize that these sports can be competitive as well, but it is important to make room for exercise that is not competitive, and more focused on the well-being and happiness of the person.
- Creativity – make creating an important part of weekly life
In my personal experience letting creativity bottle up is not a good thing. It’s stored energy that can turn negative if not used and come out in other ways, such as worry or anger. The ways we personally express ourselves creatively can be linked to our purpose in life so it is important to encourage that. When my children are pursuing something creative they also happen to be the most peaceful and content. It instantly raises their mood. It is important to give children space, tools, and encouragement to create and make sure it is an important part of their weekly life.
Give your children the support and tools they need to create artwork, make jewelry, knit, cook, build forts, garden, etc.
Physical activity and creative pursuits have also seen a big drop in our nation’s schools. Despite that, we need to make sure that it remains an important part of our children’s lives. I hope these ideas help you on your journey with your children. Don’t forget all of these ideas are equally beneficial for adults as well. If you’re battling moodiness in your own life, go ahead and give them a try.
With so much love & gratitude,
Wendy Irene