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Brooke: "How to Make Someone Really Happy"

We just celebrated my daughter Sierra’s 8th birthday. She is my nature girl, very different than the rest of my children, sensitive, simple, and caught in the middle of everyone’s attention. I asked her how she would like to spend her day, all she wanted was to ride a horse, go to a playground with her best friend and have dinner with her Dad and me at her long time favorite fancy restaurant. She’s my one child that asks for nothing, and is very clear as to what she wants.

Riding Lessons

I took her and a few friends and my 2 little ones to a nearby ranch and booked a riding lesson. It was so beautiful out there; I felt far away from the city, we all needed a taste of nature. I have been moving so fast lately, that I needed that time as much as she did. She was in her element. I always knew she loved animals, but yesterday’s experience was so huge for her, she was confident, brave, comfortable, and smiled the biggest smile I can remember seeing on her in too long. I walked the property with the other children, visiting many horses. It was such a contrast from the usual Hollywood routine, and it was the best day! We met a 2-week-old baby horse and watched it cuddle and feed from its mother.

Bucket List

It is so important for me to do different things with my children, simple things that mean a lot. Seeing everyone so happy in nature yesterday was the best gift I could have asked for.

There are so many toys I could have bought for Sierra, which soon would have been thrown to the side. Taking a few minutes to allow her to really think of how she would like to spend her day with me, allowed her to think of doing something special. It was about the experience, not the stuff. I am trying hard to get that message across with my kids. A few get it, but one of my girls is all about the “stuff”.

It’s hard to dig deep with children, but they are so much simpler than they appear.

I will ask my older kids to make their Bucket List this week. I think it’s important for them to dream about new experiences.

Embracing Love

My daughter is often resistant to try new things. But she embraces the ones she loves – animals, music, her little brother and sister. I am learning to listen closer to her personality and needs. Yesterday was not the typical b-day celebration; there was no cake, no big school party, and no one singing Happy Birthday, that’s actually her worst nightmare. She hates the attention. We did exactly what SHE had in mind and it was the perfect day.

I did find the world’s largest cupcake! She counted down the minutes till her actually birth time, it was really cute and brought me back to the delivery room, the moment she arrive 8 years ago. I asked her what she loved most about being 7 before she kissed those years goodbye. She said, “Everything!” She is so special and simple and I love that about her.

This year, she got exactly what she wanted, thank GOD I was listening.

Perfect Day

My daughter is often resistant to try new things. But she embraces the ones she loves – animals, music, her little brother and sister. I am learning to listen closer to her personality and needs. Yesterday was not the typical b-day celebration; there was no cake, no big school party, and no one singing Happy Birthday, that’s actually her worst nightmare. She hates the attention. We did exactly what SHE had in mind and it was the perfect day.

I did find the world’s largest cupcake! She counted down the minutes till her actually birth time, it was really cute and brought me back to the delivery room, the moment she arrived 8 years ago. I asked her what she loved most about being 7 before she kissed those years goodbye. She said, “Everything!” She is so special and simple and I love that about her.

This year, she got exactly what she wanted, thank GOD I was listening.

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