Helpful Tips to Get Pregnant
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Helpful Tips to Get Pregnant

When you decide to have a family, it is both exciting and scary. Getting pregnant may be easy, or it can be a bit more difficult. Understanding your body and taking proper care of yourself can help you to get pregnant quickly and easily. Before you know it, you’ll be holding a positive pregnancy test and preparing for the wonder and joy of a new baby in your home.

Understanding Your Cycle

It’s much easier to get pregnant when you understand how your menstrual cycle works. If you have a 28-day cycle, you probably ovulate around day 14; however, many women have longer or shorter cycles, so ovulation may occur at earlier or later in your cycle. A longer cycle will extend the time before ovulation, while a shorter one will cause you to ovulate earlier in your cycle. Count your cycles from the first day of your menstrual period. Sperm can live for several days; however, your egg is only viable for 12 to 24 hours, according to the American Pregnancy Association.

Tracking Ovulation

Knowing when you ovulate can improve your chances of achieving pregnancy. You can track ovulation in several ways. Ovulation predictor kits are available in drugstores. Saliva or urine is tested for hormonal changes. These kits will tell you if ovulation is about to occur. You can also monitor ovulation by checking for physical changes, including basal body temperature, cervical fluid and the position of the cervix. Slight increases in body temperature, checked before getting out of bed in the morning, and thick, stringy egg-white textured cervical fluid are clear signs of fertility, according to Fertility Friend.

Have Sex

According to the Mayo Clinic, most couples will hit a fertile period if they routinely have sex two to three times a week, increasing to daily around ovulation. An active sex life may be enough for many couples to conceive without the stress of ovulation test kits and charting. Even if you take this casual approach to conceiving, be sure that you avoid smoking and alcohol, eat well and take a prenatal vitamin while trying to get pregnant.

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