Beauty Tips on Growing Hair From Short to Long
Growing out your hair can be a long, exhausting process. You’re ready for a change now, but unless you want to invest in extensions, you have to wait. Although you won’t notice a change each day you look in the mirror, your hair will get there eventually. Until then, relax and enjoy the process.
Embrace Each Step
While you are looking to that long hair do, you will have a number of stages. Enjoy the hair styles you can enjoy until that point. Don’t just settle for plain, growing hair while you wait. Visit your hairstylist every month or so and ask him to show you a style that celebrates its current length. Pretending this is the style you’ve been waiting for will make the waiting not seem so long and difficult. As your bangs shag around your eyes, sweep them to the side for a structured look. While hair is short, mousse it up and enjoy some spikes for an edgy look. As it gets neck-and-shoulder length, flip it out or under. Ask for layers if you need a change of pace. Shag it up while you wait for it to get longer.
Step Lightly
While your hair grows out, treat it with love and respect. Each day should be considered another day to care for each strand. Since your hair only grows one-half inch per month, you can’t afford to treat your hair harshly. Doing so could cause split ends and breakage, necessitating a haircut. By carefully moisturizing and avoiding harsh shampoos you can encourage your hair to grow strong, keeping your trims to a minimum. Avoid perms and coloring if you can. Ask your stylist to do a light trim every couple months, to eliminate inevitable split ends before they spread and cause damage to the hair shafts.
While you wait for those long locks, treat yourself to some fancy hair accessories. Distract yourself from the funky lengths and choppy ends with pretty pieces. If you need to push back some bangs, buy colorful clips and pin the hair off to the side. As they get a little longer, bangs can be held back with trendy head bands. Embrace pretty ponytails and clips once you can pull the hair back into a tail. Always keep a stash of bobby pins on hand to clip back little chunks that fall down around your face.
Photo Credit
- a girl with uncomdeb hair image by Sergii Shalimov from