Style Tips for Women With Long Hair
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Style Tips for Women With Long Hair

Long hair is often coveted by moms and daughters alike, but it can come with challenges all its own. Proper maintenance is essential to keep long hair looking healthy and beautiful. Some types of hairstyles can even accelerate your risk of premature hair loss, according to the Mayo Clinic. Fortunately, you can quickly and affordably apply several styling tips to keep your long locks strong and attractive.

Wear Your Hair Down

Wear your hair down as much as possible, the Mayo Clinic notes. When women with long hair pull on the locks, such as to put it up in a bun or to braid it, they increase their risk of unwanted premature hair loss if the hair shaft is damaged. Avoid this potential drama by letting your long locks hang naturally and by minimizing the number of styling products you use.

Try Some Rocker Waves

Even if your long hair isn’t naturally wavy, you can still try styling it as “rocker waves,” “Marie Claire Magazine” notes. First, rub some shampoo through your dry hair; this helps get rid of any unwanted oil and grime in your locks. It also gives your tresses plenty of body. Follow this tip with just a little bit of texture balm rubbed through your mane. Keep in mind that, as with any hair product, less is more; using too much can hurt your hair more than beautify it and make it more difficult to achieve your desired style. Flip your hair upside down and lightly spritz it with a product such as spray gel while gently styling your locks with your hands. You should now have some potentially exciting rocker waves with minimal stress to your locks–and to your schedule.

Adopt a Bedtime Hair Styling Routine

Long hair is especially susceptible to unwanted tangling and matting, especially after a lot of evening tossing and turning. Combat this potential style nightmare before it begins by adopting an evening hair-care regimen designed to keep your locks drama-free. You can keep this simple and cost-effective by merely switching from cotton to silk or satin pillowcases, according to Hairfinder. When you rub your hair against cotton surfaces while tossing and turning, you actually damage your mane. You might also want to place a silk or satin nightcap over your head after deeply conditioning your locks. Finally, lightly braiding your hair might help you avoid waking up with matted hair; just be careful that this doesn’t cause the potential premature hair loss that the Mayo Clinic warns ladies about when it comes to pulling those locks too tightly.

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