Picnics are fun, flexible party options that can be enjoyed at any age. They can also save you a great deal of money by integrating items you already have around your home. Skip the local party store and shop around your own home for everything you need for a picnic party.
If you normally see or live close to everyone you plan to invite, put together a simple, but impressive, invitation for your picnic. Gather plastic baskets or paper containers that veggies or berries are sold in. Attach a paper handle and fill the basket with shredded paper. Tuck a scroll, with the picnic details, and some wildflowers into each basket. Set them by the door of your invitees or hand the invitations to them individually. If everyone lives too far away, you can send an email.
Picnics can follow a variety of themes. Teddy bear picnics are great for young ones, whose teddy bears have a life of their own anyway. Invite preschoolers and early grade school students to bring their favorite bears for a day of fun. Tea parties, sports themes or nature themes all work well at picnic parties.
Picnics can take place in your own backyard, especially if you have a lot of room. Instead of setting up in the expected deck or porch, bring the party to the midst of the yard, under the trees or beside a creek. Little ones will feel they are in an exotic space if it is unexpected and special. Some local parks allow you to use their space for free, but check the guidelines before arriving with all your guests as some places have limitations.
Save yourself some cash by avoiding themed paper plates and utensils. Grab your own plastic or ceramic dishes, silverware and napkins you already have on hand. Glasses are fine for older kids, but you may want to ask parents to bring sippy cups for their kids. Ask some friends if you can borrow some large blankets to let everyone sit upon.
Look through your garage or backyard for some game supplies. Footballs or soccer balls may inspire some sports games or scrimmages. Look for flying discs and other toys for tossing games. You can set up goals with paper for guests to “shoot” their discs toward. Teddy bear bearers or tea party celebrators might enjoy more low key games, such as Duck, Duck, Goose.
Resist the urge to provide a gourmet meal to your picnickers. Sandwiches with condiments or ingredients in your refrigerator are fine. Mix up a variety of options, such as peanut butter, jam, cream cheese, cheese slices and lunch meats. Make a simple cake or individual tarts filled with jams for dessert.
Photo Credit
- picnic table image by Horticulture from Fotolia.com