When tweezers and wax don’t do the job, women consider electronic hair removal techniques to rid their bodies of unsightly, unwanted hair. Whether you’re about to take a vacation to a tropical island or you want to look your best for your school reunion, removing hair from body parts like your legs, face and bikini lines is essential. Before you make an appointment at your local spa, get informed about electronic hair removal.
Web MD lists two popular hair removal techniques that use electrolysis. They are galvanic, which uses a chemical to eliminate the hair follicle, and thermolytic, which uses heat. Both techniques can be used on all parts of the body.
Electrolysis sends an electric current to a tiny needle inserted in the root of each individual hair follicle, which causes the hair root to burn. As a result–and after several treatments–hair stops growing in the area.
Cost for treatment varies; it’s best to check with the doctors you’re considering to perform your hair removal. Costs are determined by your geographical location, the area of your body where you want hair removed from, the amount of hair you need removed and the number of follow-up sessions you need.
Time Frame and Sessions
Electronic hair removal isn’t a one-shot deal. It normally takes more than one visit to ensure that hair is removed for good. The number of return visits largely depends on the area of the body you plan to have hair removed from, as well as the amount of hair you have and the texture. WebMD sites that each treatment can last from 15 to 60 minutes. Many clients go for treatment once a week or bi-weekly. Doctors assess the number of treatments on a case-by-case basis.
Electronic hair removal is a relatively safe way to remove unwanted hair. WebMD reports that there are no permanent side effects to receiving treatments. Immediately following treatment, you may notice that the treated area of your skin is red, but the discoloration will go away.
Select your doctor and facility wisely. Ensure that you go into the office for an initial consultation to ask about the doctors licensing and training, and to take a look at the facility. Find out how long the doctor has performed electronic hair removal, the way he does the procedure, how long it will take, discuss how many treatments you’ll need and how to identify potential side effects of the treatment.