5 mins read

Taking a Family Approach to Health and Weight Loss

As a Mom if you put an emphasis on health it will motivate your children to eat better and be more active. Your involvement is crucial, and even better, get the entire family on board, engaged and focused on health. It changes the focus from losing weight to choosing the right foods and being active…

3 mins read

Excessive Weight Loss After Pregnancy

While many women may struggle to lose weight and regain their pre-pregnancy shape, other new mothers may shed pounds quickly. The rate at which you lose your pregnancy weight can affect your health and the health of your breastfeeding baby. Very rapid weight loss may signal the presence of postpartum depression, or baby blues. Notify your doctor if you experience any unusual postpartum symptoms such as excessive weight loss, loss of appetite or frequent crying spells.

2 mins read

Premature Tooth Loss in Children

Taking care of your child’s pearly whites is important, particularly as his temporary baby teeth give way to his permanent ones. As a parent, you likely take great care to ensure that your child brushes and maintains his smile. If your child loses a tooth prematurely, your response can determine whether this tooth can be placed back.