3 mins read

Seven Tips For A Happy Summer

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Albert Einstein Summer is here. Lush green days lie ahead, simple pleasures, wildflowers, picnics, a walk in the park. Are these the things that make us happy? Yes. According to a growing body of scientific research, nature makes us happy. Our brains and bodies are hardwired for the great outdoors. Nature strengthens the immune system, lifts depression, increases anti-cancer white blood cells, and contributes …

3 mins read

5 Second Rule — Are Germs Good for Your Kid?

Its in a childs nature to be curious and explore the world. One of the easiest ways to learn and explore, of course, is to touch things in their environment and sometimes, dirty things. But, are you being overprotective when you rub anti-bacterial on your childs hands after every time he or she discovers a new object or picks up dropped food off the floor? Are your hyper-hygienic habits unnecessary, and possibly harmful to your kid? Are germs actually good for your kids? Research answers yes to all of the above!