2 mins read

How Do I Clean a Room to Be Allergy-Free?

Aside from pollen, trees and grasses outdoors, you also come in contact with dust and dander indoors. All of these can cause signature allergy symptoms — runny nose, sinus pressure, watery and itchy eyes, earache, hives and breathing difficulties. Cleaning a room to be allergen-free can help alleviate some of your allergy woes. Armed with a vacuum and steam cleaner, a once-a-month deep cleaning can help control your indoor symptoms.

2 mins read

Carpet Cleaning Guide

To keep the carpet in your home looking good, lasting long and remaining hygienic, you have to clean it regularly. If you have an active house with kids and pets, you probably find yourself fighting an uphill battle trying to keep your carpets clean. After you check with your carpet’s manufacturer for any particular cleaning instructions, you can compare the different carpet cleaning methods to determine which is right for your carpet.

2 mins read

How Do I Remove Wrinkles From Suits?

You never will get a second chance to make that first impression; therefore, you always want to look your best. Wearing a sharp suit to a job interview, business meeting or other important function not only makes you feel your best, but it also shows others that you are a professional. A wrinkled suit sends the opposite message. Showing up to a function in a suit filled with wrinkles makes people wonder if you are as careless in your business dealings as you are with your personal appearance. There are several ways to get the wrinkles out of a suit.