1 min read

Super Bowl Weekend!

Happy Super Bowl Weekend!!! I cant remember that last time my husband was excited about a weekend or planning a get together! This year were doing it different, and I am NOT cooking for 30! The guys have booked a bunch of tables at a local sports bar while the wives, kids and I will play at the park, shop and enjoy some girl time. Well hook up with the guys for the time show, margaritas and dinner. I cant wait to see the Super Bowl commercials!

1 min read

Want to go Green With Me?

The intense 7 day cleanse that I’m doing is not for everyone. So here’s a simple way to kick start your healthy eating plan and shock your body. There is only one simple rule – the food must be GREEN. (No green M&M’s though!) I did this last year and the ModernMom community joined me and it was great supporting each other. So, join me if you dare! Here’s a list of green foods:

4 mins read

7 Day Cleanse

Its Monday night; my kids are asleep on their transition mattress below me. They have been sleeping through the night for the past week, which is a monumental time for all of us. So are the daily toy purchases I am happily making for rewards. Trust me, after what we have been through in the musical bed department, Ill do whatever it takes. David is out at the Laker game and I am enjoying the peace and quiet in bed, candles lit, face mask on, bleaching trays in, and 20 pages of cleanse literature before me.