4 mins read

The Lighter Side of Potty Training

I heard a quote once that was a pediatricians response to a parents question about when they should start potty training their child and the doctors response was effectively if you start when they are two they will be potty trained when they are three, and if you start when they are three then they will be potty trained when they are three. Whoever this pediatrician is, youre speaking my language. I am all about

5 mins read

Recovering from Vacation with the Kids

After one week back home from a month away on vacation we are finally getting back into the groove of city life again. It is glorious to be back. I love vacation and being away at the cottage with the kids and my family but when did summer vacation become so much work?! A month at a cottage with my kids was supposed to be relaxing. My visions of sharing a bottle of wine with my sister watching the sun set and the kids running ar

2 mins read

"Long Days, Short Years"

I received an email newsletter the other day from one of the places where I take my kids for mom and toddler classes. This quote was the headline and completely grabbed my attention because it is so unbelievably TRUE!

5 mins read

My Beef with the ER

I have a little beef Id like to take up with all of the pediatricians offices and hospitals out there. No, its not about the wait times, its not about the toys that seem to crawl with germs, its not about why you would put the fun mural and clown mirror on the sick side of the waiting room leaving my healthy child there for a developmental check up to run over there and hang out. Pure craziness.