1 min read

How to Open Up Your Stellar Gateway Chakra

The Stellar Gateway Chakra is a tunnel of communication between you and divine source. Think of it as a space where communication can flow back and forth from you to your higher self, from the soul to divine energy. In this video I will explain more about the Stellar Gateway chakra and what you can do to open up that line of communication in order to find greater purpose and feel your connection to everything.

1 min read

Change Your Perspective. Change Your Life.

You can change your whole life with a change in perspective. Sometimes all we need is a little motivation to help guide us to look at things differently. I once heard a Mom describe her daily chores as scared work. That one moment in time completely changed the way I see my day and the tasks that I do. You see we are all here doing our scared work. It is not the worlds opinion of what we do that matters, it is ours that does!

3 mins read

Fitness and Fun with Kids

The following is a guest post by James. So, you have decided to get your kids off the couch and away from the TV, right? Well, thats the best idea to tackle obesity at such a young age! But before you start to make them active, theres one thing to remember and act accordingly- motivation! Kids learn quicker by watching, and this is exactly your secret to make them live a healthy and fit lifestyle.

2 mins read

Do You Know Why Challenges Occur?

The other day I experienced a great opportunity to work on myself, and practice acting with love. My kids and I were outside. While sitting on the porch in the glorious sunlight my daughter was reading a book about bugs, and my son was blowing bubbles. After a few minutes my son decided he wanted his bug book back, and began to feel really upset when his sister wouldnt hand it over.