How to Wear Your Hair in a Headband
Whether you have straight hair, curly or a little bit of both, a headband can help keep your hair out of your eyes and off your forehead. This is especially important if you suffer from acne. Excess oils on your hair can transfer to your forehead, clogging pores and triggering a breakout. While headbands come in a variety of colors and styles, they all serve the same function. Wearing your hair in a headband may take a bit of practice, but once you know how to slide one on, you will wonder how you ever got along without one.
Step 1
Wash your hair as you normally would, using your favorite shampoo. Rinse the shampoo from your hair and condition — if conditioning is part of your normal routine. Rinse the conditioner from your hair and dry your hair as usual.
Step 2
Brush your hair with a soft-bristled brush to remove knots. Knot removal is especially important in the areas surrounding your hairline. Knot-free hair will make it easier to slide the headband on.
Step 3
Hold one end of the headband in one hand and the other end in your other hand. Slide the left end of the headband behind your left ear and the right end of the headband behind your right ear. Push the mid-section of the headband over the hair in your forehead section.
Step 4
Push the headband back so that it rests approximately 1 inch behind your hairline. At this point, you can allow either the remainder of your hair to flow freely, tie it off in a ponytail, or braid it using a hair tie.