2 mins read

Ghastly Ghost Decorations

Let’s Craftis a special feature full of great crafts, inspiration and DIY projects that are perfect for any Modern Mom! Want to fill your house with ghosts and ghouls? Here’s a super easy, super fun and super messy Halloween craft you can do with your kids! All you need are a few supplies you probably already have in your pantry. Supplies

4 mins read

How to Make a Nature-Inspired Fall Wreath

Do you ever feel like there is so much you want to do, or so many passions you want to pursue that it feels as though youre all over the map? Thats me for sure. Although, they all tend to be creativity inspired and mostly have to do with the home. Home is where the heart is. ~ Pliny the Elder

1 min read

How to Take Food Coloring Off Your Hands

Food coloring is great for a number of entertaining projects. Turn that vanilla cake blue. Make that milk green. Every princess would love some pink bread for her sandwich. Make homemade modeling compound in a rainbow of colors. Unfortunately, it’s also great for staining your hands. Soon enough, your fun, rainy day activity has become a frustrating evening at the sink, removing the evidence of the day of fun. Make a simple scrub that will wipe that pesky coloring away.

1 min read

Easy Play Dough Recipe

Making play dough is one great way to keep kids busy on those seemingly endless summer days! This easy play dough recipe can be made using hot water (instead of the stove) and contains all edible ingredients. Best of all, the ingredients are inexpensive, and more than one batch can be made if you want to make more than one color! Supplies