2 mins read

Funky Hairstyle Ideas

If you are tired of your typical Mom hairdo, then it’s time to try something a little more modern. Funky hairstyles range from brightly colored punk rock styles to more understated styles that still break the mold. Though you may feel that you are too old to rock a Mohawk, you can still get a funky hairstyle that’s right for you.

1 min read

How to Wash Your Hair Brushes

Hair brushes are often overlooked when it comes to your beauty regime, but like other health tools, they require weekly cleaning to obtain the best brushing results. Your hairbrush is subjected to everything you put on your hair and although the residues may not be visible, your brush is the perfect repository for hair additives like gels and hairspray. By taking a few minutes a week to clean your hairbrushes, you’ll find the brush moves more smoothly through your hair and aids in keeping it clean longer.

3 mins read

Wrinkles on the Face

When you were little, you may have thought it was funny when you stayed in the bathtub too long and noticed that your fingers were wrinkled. Well, now that you’re grown, if you notice wrinkles on your face, it’s not so funny anymore. Wrinkles are just a natural part of aging, but that doesn’t mean that women have to accept them without a fight.

1 min read

How to Dry Your Hair Without Using a Hair Dryer

Drying your hair day after day with the heat of a hair dryer is asking for trouble. When you dry your hair with a hair dryer, the high concentration of heated air actually boils the water left on the hair shaft after washing, as explained by The American Academy of Dermatology. Eventually, this scenario causes your hair to become dry and brittle. Air drying is a much better option and knowing how to do it correctly helps cut down on drying time.