1 min read

Brooke’s Holiday Handful

Mamas, I have a holiday gift surprise for you!  I’ve put together a HOLIDAY HANDFUL Fitness program that will help us manage the stress of this festive season. More parties, more shopping, more giving, and worst of all, more calories, which equals a whole lot of holiday stress for us! Join me and others in the BB…

2 mins read

Brooke Burke’s Beautiful Love Note

Back to school is upon us. In some ways it represents a fresh start but in other ways it adds a new kind of stress to the family dynamic in relation to establishing new routines. It's a drastic change from the lazy days of summer to the structure of the school week. All things considered,…

5 mins read

Brooke Burke’s 10 Tips For A Healthier and Sexier Life

I believe that FITNESS is a verb, an action. It’s a way of life, a blessing, an escape. If you’re lucky, fitness can become the only good thing you’re addicted too. I look forward to my workouts because I know I need them for many reasons. I’ve learned to make fitness habitual. I believe that…

4 mins read

Brooke Burke’s Fitness Philosophy

Confidence comes from what you feel, not what you see. Happy Summer - it’s the time where many of us think of sun, fun, vacations & swimsuit season!!! Everyone who knows me knows that I love summer and I try to stay bikini ready all year. I often wonder why many wait for spring to…

1 min read

Brooke Burke’s 10 Fitness Tips

1. BE stronger than your excuses. 2. Make a commitment to a partner, friends keep you honest! 3. Get my Fitness App, Brooke Burke Body, so you can work it anytime, anywhere. I’ll show you how I stay in shape all year!  4. Schedule your workout week every Sunday. Set yourself up for success. 5. Create…