3 mins read

New App WishSlate Tackles Gift Giving Anxiety

Gift-giving is an emotion-filled activity that fosters relationships. But it has become a chore and a source of stress and anxiety. One new app wants gift-giving to be convenient, fun and a joyous experience, not another anxiety-filled moment. WishSlate is a new app that makes it easier to connect family and friends, their upcoming occasions…

2 mins read

Six Ways To Celebrate Major Events And Socially Distance

In this time of social distancing and self-isolation, it’s more important than ever to stay in touch with family and friends and celebrate the happy things in life. Here are some suggestions for virtually celebrating Mother’s Day, birthdays, and graduation! Mother’s Day Crafts While you might not be able to make it out to your…

2 mins read

Get Ready To Jumpstart Your Summer Fun!

Thank you Fobbles for partnering with us on this post. Looking for a way to add some extra fun to your summer? Fobbles is the answer! What is Fobbles you might ask? Well, it is the only portable machine that makes fog, haze, bubbles and its most important and coolest feature - fog-filled bubbles! What?!…

2 mins read

Twins And Birthday Parties: Do You Have To Invite Both?

How do you handle twins and birthday parties? As a mother of two sets of twins, the daughter of twins, and the daughter-in-law of twins (crazy, huh?) Im tackling this issue with a lot of experience. Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions: 1. If you invite a child to a birthday party, should you invite his or her twin as well, even if they are not in the same class?

5 mins read

10 Rules For Successful Re-Gifting

Re-gifting used to be taboo. It was the sort of thing you would never do, or at least never admit to doing. But due to the great recession we have become increasingly more time crunched and more thoughtful about over-spending. It only makes sense that with these changes in our lives, we have also seen a change in our philosophy toward re-gifting. The stigma has lessened and the act of re-gifting has become more commonplace and necessary.