3 mins read

Advice on Divorce Rights for Men

Historically, in the interest of protecting children in a marriage, the courts have favored women when a couple seeks a divorce. As advocacy for men’s rights has grown, more and more family courts are recognizing that marriage is a partnership and that when that partnership dissolves as a result of divorce, the parties need to be viewed as equals, resulting in a divorce agreement that doesn’t deny the rights of either party.

7 mins read

Does Motherhood Make You Stupid?

“I feel my brain cells slowly dying every day.” (recent status post on FB from a mom with young kids.) The mom who recently made that statement is clearly drowning in the frenzied white water of parenting. Although swimming in a sea of diapers, laundry, scattered toys and sibling squabbles may not feel very mentally stimulating to most of us, don’t despair. By being purposeful and mindful, you can learn significant ways to thrive in the midst of the chaos and hone important skills that make you more effective, more successfuland more joyfulboth at home and at work.

2 mins read

The Best Ways to Increase Sex Drive

If you’re finding yourself less interested in sex than you used to be, you’re not alone. According to Patricia Koch, Ph.D., of Pennsylvania State University, one in three women will experience a loss of sex drive at some point in their lives. Because there are a wide variety of medical reasons–such as high blood pressure, diabetes and medication side effects that can affect your interest in sex–the first and most important thing you should do is to have a complete medical checkup to be sure there isn’t an underlying medical cause for your lack of libido.

3 mins read

Family Reunion Vacation Ideas for 25 People

Both fun and togetherness are vital elements for a family reunion that doubles as a vacation. Family members who use vacation time for a reunion look forward to more than simply chatting with their relatives. For 25 people, a gathering at one individuals home is impractical. You don’t want frazzled hosts and guests crowded together like sardines. However, a group of 25 people is large enough to take advantage of a variety of venues with strong entertainment potential.

2 mins read

Natural Remedies to Increase Sex Drive

Sometimes, romance takes a back seat to everything else. Sexual interest, also known as libido, tends to wax and wane throughout life. Certain situations and conditions, including relationship issues, fatigue, medications and medical diseases, can contribute to fluctuating sex drives in both men and women. Hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy or menopause may also alter your sexual appetite. If low libido causes distress for you or your romantic partner, natural remedies may increase your sexual interest and help put you back in the mood for sex.