2 mins read

Happy Friday!

Hi Ladies,

Well, I’ve officially been at this Blogging business for three months, and I have to say, I’m absolutely soaking  up every minute. People ask me how I get my inspiration, or find the time, or simply why I like to do it. The truth is, it’s because of you ladies, around the world, wherever you are. My Tokyo readers, my Italian readers, my Russian readers, my Israeli women… the Internet is a powerful and incredible thing. To have friends around the world without leaving the comforts of your own coffee shop, in glasses and sweats, to feel so connected. It’s why I do it.

blog board

I have decided to take some time during the next few weeks to spend with my husband and kids, who are off  from work and school and soak up the holiday spirit. It’s time for us to re-group as a family. The kids have colds, my hubby is exhausted, and I am the glue that holds it all together. I will be checking in, but excuse me if my posts are short and/or sporadic and/or wonky. This happens whenever I sit around on my ass and do nothing. I go soft.


So readers, I want to take this moment to thank you for coming along this incredible journey with me. It’s been amazing. I’m just getting started. I have lots of ideas for Women on the Fence. Maybe you’re currently sitting on the fence, maybe you’ve gotten off, maybe you’ll be on the fence in the New Year. Regardless of your situation, I hope you attack life with gusto and passion, because to simply exist, is no way to be. Promise yourself that in 2010, you’ll find your passion, you’ll find your spark to re-ignite your fire, you’ll fight less with your partner, you’ll have more sex (unless of course you’re Tiger Woods), you’ll be more patient, you’ll take some more “me” time, you’ll go with the flow of life, and you’ll enjoy being in the moment. Aah, sounds like a plan.

So whether you are taking time off, or a few days here and there, enjoy them. Relax and unwind. Enjoy your family, your friends, a great book, and some great wine. 2009 was an interesting year.

I’ll be checking in. Come and visit.

Until next time,

xox Erica xox

Erica Diamond


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