How Do You Know You’re a Great Parent?
3 mins read

How Do You Know You’re a Great Parent?

Every day as parents we question whether or not we are good, average hell … great parents, especially with the internet telling us that we are doing it all wrong, or those overzealous parenting posts on Facebook, or our own psychosis screaming into our brains that we are not good enough parents.

Well, my friends, I am here to tell you that you’re a great parent, no matter what your helicopter mom or dad friends say. How do I know that? Well, I got some mad skills, I’ve been around the parenting block for a decade, I’ve made many mistakes – my oldest son’s first year of life was like a circus, I had no idea what I was doing, I made everyone around me crazy, and my pediatrician actually red-flagged my file.

That is not a joke.

My son’s file was really red-flagged ala Elaine Benes in Seinfeld – because I was a nut job.

So I am pretty qualified to let you know that you are not screwing up as a parent, that you are doing more than an OK job at this parenting thing, I know that because you…

  • Wash the same pair of socks over 6,000 times in one week because your child can only wear those socks, no matter how many new pairs of the exact same pair of socks you bought, he/she doesn’t want the new ones.
  • Cut their fingernails in their sleeps because it the only way to get it done and more importantly avoid a temper tantrum.
  • Make the same lunch for twelve years because it’s the only lunch food your child will eat.
  • Have boogers, tears and food stains on your shirt.
  • Sing them to sleep even though you have a headache, the flu, or are hung-over.
  • Held their hand when they went off to school for the first time.
  • Stayed up to the wee hours of the night for moral support as they finish their school reports.
  • Left work early to watch them play baseball, softball, dance, basketball, or soccer, etc.
  • Cried yourself to sleep because they were rejected in any way by a friend, a school admission, or the travel soccer team.
  • Gave in for the 100th time to the play date, sleepover; ice-cream or gum at the checkout line. Sucker MC? Absolutely! But hey they’re worth it.
  • Volunteer… as a coach, with the PTA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, a Religious Group, School Function. Whatever volunteer gig you take, you’re giving up valuable time for your child. Kudos to you!
  • Paid $15.00 for some crap toy at the amusement park because your parents never did that. Okay, that’s dumb but it happens.
  • Refrained from clotheslining the mom whose snotty kid tormented your child at recess.

… You love them like no other and will take a gosh darn bullet for them even if it means you may spill your wine.

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