Nutrigrill – New Way To Cook Healthy Meals
1 min read

Nutrigrill – New Way To Cook Healthy Meals

With the holidays coming up we need all the help we can get to eat healthy at home. Introducing Nutrigrill, an indoor electric BBQ that you can use to grill, steam and cook with your kids! Kids are more likely to eat healthy and try new foods if they help prepare it with you.

And, the Nutrigrill can cook a meal for up to 8 people in only 10 minutes. I know, it sounds crazy but it really works. You cook the meat on top (think shrimp or thinly sliced steak) and the veggies around the sides. Use broth for flavor and tadah! Healthy dinner all cooked in one place. It’s only 13 inches in diameter so it can be stored easily and you can even wash it in the dishwasher!

Could also be a great holiday gift for someone. Check it out here!