2 mins read

How to Guess the Gender of Your Baby

Sometimes the ultrasound just can’t quite pick up the sex of your baby on your first visit. Or maybe you’re waiting to be surprised at the time of delivery. Either way, there are more old wives’ tales about guessing the gender of your baby then there are babies, it seems. While most of these methods have no scientific merit, they’re still fun to toss around with your family and friends to keep the excitement and suspense of your baby’s arrival in full swing.

1 min read

Tone, Tighten and Firm Up Your Tush!

Want to tighten that toosh? Working with my clients I hear on a regular basis moms asking to tighten, firm and lift their tooshies. So to help you get the best possible backside, I am sharing some of my favorite moves. Enjoy! The glute bridge 30 reps with both feet on the floor and then 15 each side with single leg raises.

3 mins read

Let’s Craft: Adorable Animal Bookends

I found these Baltic Birch wood animal cutouts on eBay, and just knew I had to create something with them. I wanted them displayed in a funky, childlike kind of way, but not just as decoration. Book ends! Perfect functional art! And, so adorable in my new baby’s nursery. Super simple, but a bit time consuming I must say. A perfect weekend project. Supplies