How to Make Birthday Party Hats
1 min read

How to Make Birthday Party Hats

Every year, to remember the day that a woman underwent the greatest pain of her life, we scratch together a cake, top it with candles and sing a four-lined song to the one who came into the world on that day. If that doesn’t seem odd enough, we top the party with a cone-shaped hat with a fluffy ball on top. It’s easy to whip together some hats to celebrate that wonderful day.

Step 1

Cut the construction paper into circles that are 8 inches in diameter. Cut a slit from one edge to the middle of the circle. Tuck one side of the slit under the other side and roll the circle into a cone until the bottom edge is as wide as you want it. Staple the slits to the side of the cone. It should now look like an upside down ice cream cone.

Step 2

Cut the yarn into 12-inch lengths. Tie a knot on one end of each strand. Staple two pieces of yarn inside the cone, with one on each side of the cone. Make sure the knot is just about the staple. These strings will tuck under your chin and tie to secure the hat to your head.

Step 3

Dab a bit of hot glue onto the bottom of a pom-pom and glue it to the top of the cone. Cut the ribbon so it wraps around the rim of the hat. Glue the ribbon to the rim.

Photo Credit

  • te party man image by Georgiy Pashin from
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