Loss of Sex Drive in Women
3 mins read

Loss of Sex Drive in Women

At some times in a woman’s life, she is more interested in sex than at others. At the beginning of a new relationship, for example, you probably can’t seem to get enough sex. If you have toddlers and babies whom you are running around after and caring for all day, you may not be in the mood for sex quite as much, if at all. It’s common to have a temporary decline in sexual desire, according to the eHealthMD website. If the loss of sex drive persists and it bothers you, you may want to find out what is causing the loss and what you can do about it.

How You Know You’ve Lost It

Major life changes, the beginning or ending of a relationship, pregnancy or menopause can all cause changes in how often a woman wants to have sex. Signs of a loss of sex drive include less frequent sexual thoughts or fantasies, a reduced sexual desire, a reluctance to initiate sex and less frequent masturbation, according to the eHealthMD website.

What Causes the Loss

Loss of sex drive can be because of physical or psychological reasons. Menopause, pregnancy, painful intercourse, illness, obesity or anorexia, drugs and alcohol, relationship problems and sexual abuse can all be reasons why women are not interested in sex.

What to Do

If you have lost your sex drive, you should go to your doctor to rule out any medical reasons. You may have a hormonal imbalance or a vitamin deficiency that your doctor can treat. Estrogen or testosterone therapies are two medical treatments your doctor may prescribe. If you have no medical problems, you may want to consult with a mental health professional who can help you identify underlying problems that may be interfering with your sex drive, suggests the eHealthMD website.

Sex Therapy

If your loss of sex drive is not from physical or psychological reasons, you may want to see a sex therapist. You and your partner would discuss your relationship and sexuality with an expert trained to treat couples with sexual problems. You and your partner will learn responsiveness techniques and may have homework assignments geared toward improving your sexual intimacy.

Combination Approach

It usually takes a combination of treatments to increase your sex drive, according to MayoClinic.com. A good multi-faceted approach includes sex therapy, counseling, changing your lifestyle and sometimes medication. Exercise can improve your body image and increase your libido. A specific exercise for sex is Kegel exercises. Stop the flow of urine to find your Kegel muscles. To do the exercise, tighten your Kegel muscle, hold for a count of five, relax and repeat. Strengthening your Kegel muscles is one self-help measure you can take that might give you more sexual pleasure when you are having intercourse, according to MayoClinic.com.

Photo Credit

  • couple-playing image by JulianMay.co.uk from Fotolia.com
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