5 Things to Tidy Up While Your Morning Coffee Is Getting Ready
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5 Things to Tidy Up While Your Morning Coffee Is Getting Ready

Are you the kind of person who gazes at the coffeemaker wishing it would brew more rapidly? There is a better way of using this time. In fact, coffee brewing time will reduce drastically (or at least it’ll feel that way) if you put your attention to something else. Since we are all short on time, take these few minutes and be productive. You can do a few super fast cleaning tasks that will make a big difference in reducing your workload when you actually find the time to clean.

Here are 5 little things you can do while your morning coffee is getting ready.

  1. Clear the clutter in the kitchen: Do you have dishes lying in the dishwasher? Put them away. Dishes in the drying rack? Same thing. Put them away. Put breakfast dishes in the dishwasher. Just doing that leaves your kitchen looking more organized.
  2. Clean countertops and other surfaces: Get a disinfecting wipe and wipe the kitchen counters. For surfaces made of wood, go for a microfiber cloth and dust thoroughly to restore their sheen.
  3. Throw in a load of dirty towels into the machine: If you have your coffee early enough then you might have time to put the load in the dryer before you run out. This will go a long way in reducing your laundry load.
  4. Conduct a cleaning frenzy: Focus on a clutter hotspot within your house and put some of the items where they belong. Throw out the junk mail. Pick up clothes that were thrown on the couch or a few random toys. De-cluttering one small frustrating are will help you begin your day feeling better.
  5. Give the bathroom a quick once-over: Close the toothpaste, put the deodorant back in the cabinet. Wipe off any fresh marks on the mirrors, the sink and bathroom walls. In case you had just finished showering, the steam will make things easier for you. All you need is to run a microfiber cloth across and the surfaces will be sparkling clean.

Author bio: Beverly Jenkins is proud of her staff at The Tidy Maids house cleaning service in Raleigh, NC. She has 24 years of experience in house cleaning, customer service, and business operations. She knows all the tips and tricks and do-it-yourself hacks when it comes to cleaning and her clients’ homes are the best proof for that.