Appreciation vs. Annoyance
1 min read

Appreciation vs. Annoyance

My son thought the furniture could use some decorating.

The moments I am most happy are when I am appreciating the people in my life.

It is easy to get annoyed with people, but it is not where happiness lies.

In my home, my kids seem to be constantly fighting over wanting the same thing. Wanting what the other one has. It is a battle of the little egos. Sometimes it feels like a 3-way ego pull. What Mom wants, what Big Brother wants, and what Little Sister wants.

What I need to remember in those times is that our center is the same, and for that I am extremely grateful.

If you can appreciate your children through the fighting, and appreciate your spouse regardless of your differences you have accomplished a great act of love.

Love is what life is all about.

See how many great acts of love you can accomplish today. See how many times you can appreciate instead of feel annoyed.

It is a gift to you and those souls you are blessed to have in your life.

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