3 mins read

Moms on the Road – Be Free of That Extra Bag You Carry!

Over my years of business travel as a mom of two children, I carried an invisible bag of guilt with me on every trip. This baggage didn’t require a checked bag fee but its cost was far greater as I said good-bye each week.
Do you feel like you are dragging this invisible bag with you, too? Whether you travel for business or for conferences, these ideas will help decrease the size of this bag of guilt.

Make it a Family Affair

Make the trip a family affair and involve your children. Get a map and put stickers or pins on the cities you are visiting. If you travel often, keep this map hung in a visible spot in your home to encourage conversation. This is a great learning tool on our world’s geography.

Explore the Culture

Involve your children in the culture of where you are traveling. Find local foods for your destination and make a meal with your kids or purchase a local cookbook during your travels. Bring home local foods for your children to experience. Airport stores are usually great sources for these items.

Journal Time!

Buy each child a journal and have them do daily writings of what goes on while you are away. If they are too young to write, have them draw pictures. This is a great way to keep your children busy while you are away and is perfect for reconnecting with your child upon your return home. Children love to share one-on-one time with mom sharing their journals.

Give Your Kids Responsibilities

Give them extra ‘adult’ responsibilities for the days surrounding your travel. A few responsibilities may include helping you with: Packing a few family photos for your hotel nightstand, planning meals while you are away, helping with the shopping, cutting out local headlines of interest from the home newspaper to update you upon your return home.

Stay Involved!

In addition to keeping your children active and engaged, stay involved! Calling home daily at a scheduled time is the best method. When your children know exactly when you are going to call, they feel less stress and also call you less during the day when you are busy.

Use Technology

Video conferences or using tools such as Skype video for your calls home are comforting and easy to do. When you and your children can see each other through computers’ web cams, everyone feels better.

In Conclusion…

keep your children involved in your travels, update them with daily phone or video calls and talk about the events of their days at home and your days on the road. Not only will your children feel more comfortable while you are away but they will look forward to sharing your journeys with you and have new lessons on the fascinating world we live and travel in.
Most important, your invisible bag of guilt can be left at the curbside.

About the Author

Carol Margolis is a well-traveled businesswoman and speaker who has collected countless pearls of travel wisdom over many years. She shares these pearls of wisdom by offering free tools, resources and strategies to women who travel at http://www.SmartWomenTravelers.com. Learn to ease the challenges of frequent travel and discover the joy that travel can bring!

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