4 mins read

How to Flourish Happily in Life and the Blog World

I realize how fortunate I am to have you here sharing this journey with me! Honestly, often I feel like my heart cannot fully express how grateful I am that you are joining me on my path. Not all of you who share this piece of my heart are necessarily interested in blogging, but here me out because I believe what applies to the blog world also applies to flourishing in life.At this point …

5 mins read

Taking a Family Approach to Health and Weight Loss

As a Mom if you put an emphasis on health it will motivate your children to eat better and be more active. Your involvement is crucial, and even better, get the entire family on board, engaged and focused on health. It changes the focus from losing weight to choosing the right foods and being active…

3 mins read

How to Convince Teens to Stay in School

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the number of teenagers who drop out of high school is around 8 percent. That means that for every 1,000 out-of-work individuals, 80 are facing an already difficult-to-crack job market without even the most basic education. Parents and teachers can unite to convince these kids, one by one, that staying in school is the best choice for their future success and happiness.

3 mins read

Dreidel Game for Kids

Perhaps the best-known Jewish toy, the dreidel–a spinning top traditionally made of wood–has a place in the homes of Jewish children around the world. Most often played for chocolate coins called “gelt,” or M&Ms for those whose sweet tooth overrules concern for historical accuracy, the dreidel reminds Jews of the Hanukkah story’s miracle of the oil.