1 min read

How to Read Baby Thermometers

Most thermometers on the market today designed for babies are digital, and for good reason. The mercury contained in standard thermometers creates a health hazard. The American Academy of Pediatrics states, “we advise parents to remove any mercury thermometers from the home to prevent accidental exposure to mercury, which is a toxin,” in the book “Caring for Your Baby and Young Child.” Using digital baby thermometers makes taking your baby’s temperature not only safer, but easier to read as well.

2 mins read

Products to Help You Get Pregnant

When you are trying to get pregnant, you may want any help you can get. Many products claim to be able to help you get pregnant, from things you can purchase in most stores to medicines that only your doctor can prescribe. Before you go out and spend a small fortune, make sure you know which ones really work and which are right for you.

3 mins read

High Fever in a Toddler

Fevers are common in toddlers and occur for a variety of reasons. While fevers can be scary, they are usually not a serious threat to your child. Knowing when the fever indicates a more severe illness is key to getting your toddler healthy again. The other symptoms that accompany the fever are particularly critical in determining the need for medical attention.

1 min read

How to Use a Digital Thermometer on a Toddler

Taking your toddler’s temperature can help you assess how sick he really is, but getting an accurate temperature on a sick toddler can be a challenging task. Chances are, when your toddler is sick he is going to resist poking and prodding. Trying to hold the thermometer in place while your toddler is wiggling about and crying is no fun. Fortunately, mercury thermometers have been replaced with digital thermometers that allow you to take even the squirmiest toddler’s temperature quickly and safely.

3 mins read

Home Remedies to Treat a Child’s Fever

He’s whining, he’s crying, and he’s moaning. You go to pick him up and kiss his forehead, and the wave of heat hits you before you get there. He is radiating and sweating. A fever has set in. Whether this is a rare or regular event for your child, a fever can be uncomfortable for him and disconcerting for you. Try some at-home remedies either before or while you head to the doctor’s office.