3 mins read

5 Quick and Easy Exercises at Home For A Total Body Workout

You dont need an expensive gym membership or bulky equipment in your home to get a good workout. Grab some common items you have in your home and get ready to sculpt your body! Try the following fun workout three times a week and add some cardio to mix it up and burn some serious calories. Turn on the tunes and dance with your kids – great fun and burns calories too! Bottled Water Biceps

6 mins read

How to Build Muscles Quickly for Women

Many women shun strength training and any exercises associated with building muscle mass for fear of becoming bulky and unfeminine. However, a woman with muscles is still a woman; you can do strength training and build long, lean muscles that create a sculpted look, make you stronger, and define your curves. Strong and healthy can be a sexy look and an appealing lifestyle.

1 min read

Saggy Arm Solution

The Fit Mommy Toolbox is a ModernMom resource for moms who want to live healthy and active lifestyles. If the bottom of your arm is simultaneously waving goodbye with your hand as the school bus is pulling away, try this exercise to tone your triceps and fight flab. The tricep, the longest muscle found in your arms, requires purposeful TLC to keep your arms tight, sleek and toned.