Snack Ideas
At my son’s school they partake in shared snack. This is where each child is responsible for bringing in a snack for the whole class 2 times per month, in lieu of brining in an individual snack every day. Shared snack involves bringing in 2 small portioned items per child.
After many times of dropping my son’s shared snack off at school, and seeing the fridge full of apples, I was not at all surprised when his teacher sent home a list of snack ideas for parents. Funny enough, I was one of the parents who frequently chose apples. They are healthy and easy, but understandably the kids did not want them for a snack at school EVERYDAY!
Now that our family is in the midst of a 3 month no fast food junk challenge, it is crucial that we are well stocked with snacks and planned meals to curb the desire to eat out. For that reason, and for those of you joining us in the challenge (YAY!) I thought I would share with you the list of snack suggestions my son’s teacher sent home.
Snack Suggestions:
• Raisins
• Cottage Cheese
• Yogurt
• Cheese Sticks
• Pears
• Grapes
• Bananas
• Oranges
• Jell-O
• Unsweetened Cereal/Milk
• Popcorn
• Granola Bars
• Animal Crackers
• Mini Bagels/ Cheese Spread (they come in whole wheat!)
• Carrots
• Celery
• Broccoli
• Cucumbers (ick! I do not like cucumbers but I’m trying not to pass that on to my kids :-P)
• Ranch Dressing (I love how the teacher made sure to include ranch dressing! They are after all, kids 🙂
I hope this list gives you a few ideas! Create a beautiful day, friends ?
Do you have any snack suggestions you can share with us? I’m always on the lookout! What are your favorite snacks?