Top Ten Cheap Girlfriend Dates – Oh Yeah…
Some of you asked us for some tips on what to do with your girls rather than with your guys — we loved that idea. After all, we all could use a little more time with our bff’s right? (maybe even more so than a date night…) Ok, so here are our top 10 cheap things to do on your next girls night.
Five Things I learned in Therapy That Could Save Your Relationship
I am by no means an expert on relationships. But I will say, I have been in therapy numerous times for various different things — a failed relationship, an emotional breakdown or just for career help to get me back on track. It seems that in relationships, unless you’ve really ironed out your stuff, they will pop up no matter who you are with. So best thing, in my opinion, is getting it out in the open and figuring it out. Lately, my fiance and I have been going sort of as a pre-marital counseling type of thing, and there are definitely some things that have been helping us that could help you too. In fact, some of these have really changed our relationship, we are bickering less and working as a team more, and we are able to resolve conflict way better than before. I had to share…
Living with A Messy Man – Ew!
Ok, so I am super clean and my guy — you guessed it, super messy. Since we’ve been living together, I have tried every which way to get him to clean up his S*%T but he has yet to listen to me. He says I am “nagging”. You tell me who is right in the fight below:
My Pet Is A Better Listener Than My Mate
Having a bad day? Forget talking to your bestie or your spouse, talk to your pet! No seriously, a poll asked pet owners to reveal who is included in their most intimate discussions, and the results are sure to get people talking: A whopping one out of three (33%) married people say their pets are better listeners than their spouse — their pets know what is going on with them emotionally better than their spouse, and doesn’t it make sense?! How many times have you had a bad day and your boyfriend, husband, or partner is totally clueless to it. But the dog? He/she knows you, right?
Mommy, Are Your Boobs Real?
An enormous amount of you responded to the question we posted on Facebook whether you would have plastic surgery or not if it were free, and a surprising number of women said YES! You absolutely would have plastic surgery if it were free. Now, think about this — would you tell your children you were going under the knife? What would you say?