Autism and Staying Positive
Autism and Staying Positive
Even though my son is fifteen—the age for LOTS of challenges (autism-related and age-related)—I do believe parents need to try to stay positive as often as possible.
Yet, it is challenging for us parents.
How do you stay positive?
I’ll be honest, it’s not easy when you’re dealing with the attitude of a fifteen-year-old. They can be surly and moody, and they’re different, too.
My son has changed more in the last year than I think in all the rest of the years combined.
Some of it is great. He does his own laundry now. He also likes to be clean, showers, teeth, and clean clothes. He takes care of his face (which has mild ache).
It’s easy to stay positive around your child when you see positive changes.
There are other changes, though.
Take his clothes, for example. At this time last year, he was the kid who always wore shorts. Always.
Now, he’s worn pants since last September. He simply no longer likes shorts.
And, he also wears a coat. All the time.
I’m curious to see how he does this summer, when the heat really gets turned on.
So, at times, my son wants to cool down by using a ceiling fan or the car air conditioning. He’s too hot at times, because he wears all of these clothes now.
There are times, however, when we’re not hot.
This leads to arguments about him trying to cool down and his parents trying not to freeze.
Yet, we have to stay positive, right?
What do we do?
I’ve always tried to compromise with my son. Give him time limits, for example.
“In five minutes, will you do cool enough so that I can turn down the air conditioning?”
“Can we put the ceiling fan on the medium setting instead of the highest setting?”
“I know it’s hot out, but your chore is to mow the lawn, so maybe take off the coat?”
If he’s in a surly mood, we get a short, curt response.
Sometimes, the compromise/deal works.
He says he understands after I explain to him that his wearing all of these clothes is going to be a problem since we live in Southern California.
And, I know it’s probably just a new look he’s trying out. He’s never done this “look” thing, but now I have the kid doing just that.
We try to keep it positive by saying it’s okay. And, for the most part, it is okay.
Because that’s our job—trying to stay positive.
As challenging as that is with a child with autism who is fifteen.
And, changing (seemingly) every day. Attitudes, routines, clothes.
Just stay positive parents. We can do it.
Autism and Staying Positive
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