3 mins read

Unlocking the Mystery: Why Alcohol Is a Chef’s Best Friend

Why use alcohol like vodka in cooking if it just evaporates during the process? What benefit does it provide if it seems like all of it is cooked away? Cooking with alcohol isn't limited to just wines and spirits like vodka; around the world, unique alcohols play pivotal roles in traditional dishes, bringing out flavors…

3 mins read

3 Ingredient Oatmeal Walnut Cookies

Ya know when you just score?  That's the way we feel about these cookies.  As moms and registered dietitians, these cookies seriously couldn't be better.  They are made with three, simple and healthy ingredients and are super fast to make.  They feel like a treat, but they're so healthy that they make a nourishing snack. …

2 mins read

Brooke Burke’s Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe

Are you in charge of cooking the turkey this Thanksgiving? If so, you HAVE to try this family recipe for a super delicious, juicy, moist turkey. The secret ingredient is Dry Brine. You need to plan ahead three days, so keep this in mind when prepping. Dry brining involves applying salt to the food and allowing it to rest before cooking, resulting in succulent, flavorful meat and a crowd-pleasing crispy skin.

1 min read

Very Delicious Vegetarian Thanksgiving Recipes

Being a vegetarian can be especially hard on Thanksgiving. With a holiday feast centered around a turkey, finding delicious non-meat alternatives can be a real challenge for you and your family. So to help you out, weve compiled our yummiest dishes all of which are sure to stuff your stomachs.