5 mins read

Developing Pre-reading Skills: How to read to your child

One of my friends once called and told me that she planned to hire a tutor for her five-year old child to teach him how to read. When I told her that at his age he was not expected to read, she told me that although she knew that he didn’t need to read at that point, she did not know how to help him. She was trained in business–had an MBA from one of the top schools in the country–but that didn’t help when it came to helping her child know how to read. Here are some of the tips that I gave her.

1 min read

Did you do it? Did You Maintain Your Weight?

Well, did you do it? Are you up 2 lbs up, 5 lbs up, or did your weight stay the same between Thanksgiving and today? We all grant ourselves some license to indulge during the holidays- I certainly do for myself – then usually we try to get back on track sometime in the second week of January. Lets try getting back on track this week instead. Starting small with manageble changes is the most effective way to get back into any habit.

3 mins read

Don’t deprive yourself through the holidays~

How many of you are going through the holidays anxious and nervous to not gain extra weight and feel depressed come the New Year? It is hard to find a balance where you can enjoy yourself and also stay focused. It is not helpful to feel panicked right now, or you will lose the opportunity to enjoy this time of year. I am a big believer in moderation and planning ahead. I have already hosted several parties with cookies and appetizers and it took a lot of will power not to eat the entire plate of extra chocolatey brownies.

7 mins read

Divorce Part II

Im totally wiped out from Web 2.0. Im in my hotel room in San Francisco, alone for a change. I just finished speaking to 1000 techies about my passion for the Internet and social media, and why it is relevant to my life. I wouldnt really know what to do with myself being manless and kidless, but since I promised Part II of My Take On Divorce would be published Thursday, here goes.