Naturally Sweetened Almond Milk Recipe
1 min read

Naturally Sweetened Almond Milk Recipe

If I had a list of favorite things, homemade almond milk would for sure be on it! It’s a million times tastier than anything processed you’ll find in a store. It might surprise you how easy it is to make at home. Although you can opt for an unsweetened version, my personal favorite is to naturally sweeten the milk with a few dates.

Naturally Sweetened Almond Milk


1 cup almonds, soaked 8 hours rinsed & drained

4 cups filtered water

Pinch of vanilla bean powder or splash of pure vanilla extract to taste


Add all ingredients to a high speed blender. Blend until nuts are completely pulverized. Pour almond milk through a nut milk bag or fine mesh strainer into a bowl. Store in a jar with a lid in the fridge. Best if used within a few days.

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 I hope you enjoy! Let me know how you like the homemade version.

 With love & gratitude,

Wendy Irene