4 mins read

Turning COVID 15 Weight Gain Around & Get Your “ModernMom” Bod Back

Just like the shut downs went from “15 days to slow the spread” to an ongoing shutdown with no end in sight, Covid-15 weight gain is very real and is now venturing into Covid-25 and Covid-30. First, the good news: The sooner you look to reverse weight that was gained quickly, the quicker it can…

5 mins read

13 Healthy Snacks That Won’t Make You Feel Like You’re Dieting

Happy New Year!With the end of the holiday season, we have tons of moms come to us wanting to put an abrupt end to all of the over-indulgence and kick their Get Lean resolutions into high gear.So what do we suggest?First, we put them on our 10-day Weight Loss Jumpstart and Detox plan from our newly released book – The Nutrition Twins Veggie Cure.Then we give them strategies to last them all …

3 mins read

How to Donate Eggs to Infertile Couples

A woman gives one of the greatest gifts a parent could ever know when she decides to donate eggs to infertile couples. With fertility clinics paying tens of thousands of dollars per egg retrieval, egg donation can be quite lucrative for donors as well. But before delving into the egg-donation process, it is important to understand how egg donation happens to help determine whether it is for you.

3 mins read

10 Ways to Speed Up Metabolism Naturally

A slow metabolism often results in weight gain, fatigue and slow digestion. Increasing metabolic rates aids in weight loss and provides higher overall energy levels. However, fad diets and miracle foods used to boost metabolism are pure lies, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. No single miracle cure is available to speed up metabolism naturally. Adding several healthy habits to your lifestyle offers the greatest and longest-lasting results.