4 mins read

Turning COVID 15 Weight Gain Around & Get Your “ModernMom” Bod Back

Just like the shut downs went from “15 days to slow the spread” to an ongoing shutdown with no end in sight, Covid-15 weight gain is very real and is now venturing into Covid-25 and Covid-30. First, the good news: The sooner you look to reverse weight that was gained quickly, the quicker it can…

2 mins read

Guide for Healthy Weight Gain in Pregnancy

Everyone knows that weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable, but even the most seasoned moms may not quite understand just how much is too much during pregnancy. Avoiding excessive weight gain during your pregnancy will not only help you during the birthing process, but it will also make it much easier for you to regain your pre-pregnancy shape after delivering your baby.

3 mins read

Post-Pregnancy Weight Gain

Just because you had dreams of getting into your favorite jeans right after you delivered doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. Sure, you may know a neighbor or read about some celebrity who is walking around in her pre-pregnancy bod in just a mere two or four weeks, but that is not the norm. Gradual weight loss is. In fact, it might not be good for your baby if you lose weight too fast.

3 mins read

How Weight Gain Occurs With Pregnancy

Weight gain is a natural part of pregnancy. Your growing belly accommodates your baby, but your weight also increases with other fluids and body changes. The increased numbers on the scale causes anxiety in some pregnant women. As long as you eat a healthy diet and stay within the recommended weight gain ranges, remember that the weight is necessary for your baby’s healthy development.